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Artificial Intelligence and Divorce Agreements

An AI program launched in the middle of the pandemic aims to help couples come up with agreements around property and childcare.bHeather McKinnon, along with other legal experts, talks to ABC’s Claudia Long about the program’s potential to take a bit of stress off the legal system.  LISTEN HERE

Lawyers Weekly – Agility is the Key to Success

Our very own Benjamin Bryant is highlighted as a success story in this article about the importance of agility in a successful legal practice.  READ ARTICLE

ABC Drive – The Family Matters Podcast

Anna Moulder interviews Heather McKinnon about The Family Matters Show podcast and plays excerpts from recent episodes.

Hit 105.5 – On Why Custody Battles Can Feel One Sided

As part of Austereo Hit 105.5’s #Nollvember initiative, AB & Ben spoke with our very own Benjamin Bryant about how, although the family court is balanced, it can feel unfair at times.  LISTEN HERE

Family Law Inquiry – 2BG Sydney Live

Heather spoke to Ben Fordham on 2GB’s Sydney Live program about the latest inquiry into Family Law and Pauline Hanson’s claims that the Courts favour women in custody cases. LISTEN HERE

Shared parenting – Ramona Karvelis – RN Drive

Ramona Karvelis interviews Heather McKinnon on the current legislation that makes equal-shared care the first preference in most custody cases.  Heather warns of the potential difficulties.  LISTEN HERE

Married with Business – panel discussion

Heather joins a panel of experts to discuss the pitfalls of combining marriage and business on the ABC podcast “This Working Life” with Lisa Leong.  LISTEN HERE

Interview with Ramona Karvalis – Radio National Drive

Ramona Karvalis interviews Heather about a mother’s legal fight to give her child a double-barrelled name. LISTEN HERE

Interview with Kia Handley, ABC Port Macquarie

As seen on ABC Facebook, Heather and Ben talk to Kia Handley about The Family Matters Show.  LISTEN HERE

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